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Saturday, September 02, 2006

Ouch!! thats gotta hurt!!!

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A recent(not so scientific) research has quoted that when zidane headbutted materazzi, it must have hurt badly probably even more than how much it hurt materazzi, poor Zidane :((


Blogger S said...

materazzi is a freak. thassal. zidane is the gaad.

10:37 PM  
Blogger stephenhacking said...


Zidane headbutted his way down the league, if only he hadnt headbutted france wud have had a real chance of liftin da cup and zidane wud have had da great chance of going down as a legend

5:30 AM  
Blogger S said...

wat do you mean had the chance?? he IS a legend. :|

5:43 PM  

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